

I want all one of you who read my blog to know that I am on hiatus.
Yes, I need a break and you will thank me. It's not because I dislike blogging, because you should know from previous post that I heart blogs. It's not because I am boring, at this stage I am anything but that. It's not even because I am too busy, just like you, I find the time to do what I enjoy. The real reason I am on hiatus is because I have a lot of negative thoughts and feelings, wrapped around resentment and anger that I am dealing with. Thanks you for letting me be honest.
So, I will not blog for a while. Never fear, I will let you know when I am over my "funk".

But, before I go. I am just wondering if you ever bet your kids to do something? Like, bet them real money...$10 worth of real that illegal? We went to a Cajun restaurant that over looks the river here in town. Ashley and I both love boiled craw fish but she is disgusted by their heads. Being the immature parent that I am, I tried to gross her out by holding the bucket of heads up to her. As she is pulling away and telling me to stop-iiiiiittttt, (blink - that's the sound of the light bulb going on) I say, "I'll pay you $10 RIGHT NOW to eat one of the eyeballs."
"Really?" It sounded like easy money to her.
"Yeah, eat one right now and I'll give you $10."
With much preparation over 5 minutes, I finally said, "You have a time limit."
Over this five minute period she kept trying to POP the eye out with her fork...IT WAS STUCK IN THERE! She was even more repulsed!
Finally, she was able to look away and pull it out with her bare hands...threw it in her mouth...GULP! No drinks for 5 seconds then she showed me it was gone.
"Ashley, you are disgusting. There is no way I would have done that!"
What some people will do for the almighty dollar.
Now we need to learn lessons about what is appropriate and inappropriate to do for money.

And, yes...I did pay up!