

Some of my gurlz helping me celebrate!

I know it is hard to believe that I am 35 by looking at me, but I am. lol If you ask me how old I am...well, I'll lie!

Let me also say, that I am apprehensive to be transparent on here. When you do not know who is reading or who will be offended by what you write, it is hard to be completely real! But, really... why am I concerned with that. (let me answer that... I don't like conflict and I have enough in my life right now!)

Brooke and I

This year my actual birth date was not a happy time for me. Why? For several reasons. First of which, every since I lost my mom in 2006, my birthday's are not the same. When the woman who carried me in her stomach, cared for me, taught me, laughed and cried with me and for me is gone, my birthday has not carried the same significance as it once did.

Secondly, this year my husband and I are getting a divorce so that
also makes this birthday hard. No only the divorce, but everything that it has entailed with the family has been difficult for me to accept. But it is what it is!

Finally, my birthday was on a Sunday this year. Those of you who know me know that I work EVERY weekend in Dallas. Working is part of life and as adults we don't get to treat our birthday as if it is a national holiday (but I'm thinking mine should be). Therefore, I did not get to see my kids. Ashley left for camp that day and Payton was with his dad.

Now, the combination of the three of these together is what made me an emotional wreck on June 28th.

Kesleigh, me, Stephanie, Marsha, and Heather

On the other hand, I have been blessed with some of the greatest friends IN THE WORLD! I feel so lucky to have such great people in my life. I love all of you girls, Waco and Dallas, y'all are so special to me!

I went to Dallas on Friday and went to dinner with girls from work! Wish I had pics for you, but I don't. (got a pic, see below) We went to Benihana's. The food was wonderful, the friends are hilarious and priceless, and the gifts were amusing, to say the least!

The following Wednesday was just as memorable! We had fondue and drinks at Uncorked and the after party at Hondo's. Thank you Stephanie and Marsha for the food from Taco Bell since Hondo's couldn't even get chips and salsa because the "cook went home".

What was one of my worst birth date's in my 35 years turned out to be my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE birthday yet! Yes, I would love to have my mom here, but she is in God's hands now. I missed my kids like crazy, but they came home soon. You girls are the ones who made it unequivocal to no other birthday!! I hope you are all in my life for an extremely long time!!! If you do not carry the same sentiments about me being in your life - TOO BAD! You should have got out when you had the chance.

Top row: Jordan, Casey, Fran
Bottom row: Tanna, Shavonne, me, Cathy