
What's Your Type?

At some point in your life, you have probably taken a personality profile test. You know, are you the golden retriever, lion, otter, or beaver? Does the sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, or melancholy
personality describe you best?

I have read some of the book JUST YOUR TYPE by Paul Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger. It was enlightening to find out just why I act/react the way I do in certain situations.

Here's the test:
Here's another explanation of your type

Take it...

Then lets talk about it!

I am the ESFJ.


Throwing Fits...

You know how you feel when your sweet angel is yelling and screaming! The warmth that washes over you until your face is red and neck splotchy. What about the thoughts..."If I put duck tape over his mouth will he be quite THEN?" or "White room, padded jacket, people bringing me pills and water...that sounds nice!" I wonder if my kids think that about me when I am throwing my fits.
This week has proven extremely difficult for me. I just want to put a BIG BLACK X over my last post. All the hot chocolate and watching kids play blah, blah, blah is for the birds today! Well, maybe I should have read my BIBLE today. The things that are driving me to the beautiful white is the same things you face! Why is my headband in the floor when I distinctly remember putting it in the bathroom drawer. The garlic press is in the living room and I didn't cook today. My wooden spoons now have a very artistic black sharpie marker stripe down them. These decorations have not been part of the decor in the kitchen for as long as I can remember. Why is the phone unplugged? I know I didn't do it 'cause I always welcome the distraction of speaking with another adult! Usually my sister.
I guess it's time for me to go to Time Out!



Are you overwhelmed? Rushed? Fatigued? I know I am!! I asked my husband tonight what it was about this time of year that make people love it? Christmas is my favorite time of year, but there is no enjoyment in the 8 loads of laundry that are separated and waiting for someone to wash them. The toilet that just broke and the dishwasher that needs to be unloaded are going to have to wait! That is why people have more than one bathroom, you know!

Now...Slow down for a moment. Just sit.

Have a cup of coffee...

Watch your kids...

Read your Bible...

Just for a sec.

Meditate on the reason we are here. Jesus Christ.
That is why I love this time of year! I am blessed and I am thankful!

Now, hurry up and look at these pics, cause it's bed-time.


Payton, Keaten, Kaden, Makenna
Halloween Cousins

Haliegh, Landen, Madison, Tanner, and Ashley
Don't I have the most beautiful family! lol!

November 17th

Pre-Birthday. Gifts from Great-Grandma Sugar!
I remember being a little girl and couldn't wait to get into the box that my Grandma sent from Colorado. My mom would let us open one gift from Grandma Sugar Christmas Eve's Eve and sometimes the night before our birthday. (warm fuzzy memories) Why make the poor baby wait 12 hours until his birthday.

NOVEMBER 18, 2008

Mimi's Cake

We absolutely adored the Jumping Party Birthday!
Payton, Miles, Keaten

and Breanne's 18th Birthday!

The Bird. Yum...Yum...

Kaden and Payton threaten to run over everyone's toes on Thanksgiving day. How is one suppose to take a nap when your feet are a constant target?

It has been a good couple of months. I hope the same is true for you.