

First day of Pre-K!! Pay was so excited to be going to his new school. He loves his new teacher as do I. I think this Pre-K thing will work out. We defiantly miss our other friends from Kids Kingdom (esp. Matthew and Carson)

NOW!! DO You See This? Huh? Do You wanna know what happened?

Well too bad, I'm gonna tell ya anyway!

I went to Home Depot today to get some paint and "stuff". While we were in there, I was thinking to myself in true blogger fashion, "Maybe I should blog about how I love home improvement type stores. There are so many fantastic things here." No matter what project you are starting, in the middle of, or need one more box of screws to complete..."Home Depot is not just your home improvement store, it is so much more". ;0)

As I was leaving the parking lot...
It happened...
I looked over at Ashley's friend sitting in the front seat...
the big work truck pulls out of his parking space right into the side of my car!!!

" Did you not see me pulling out of that parking spot?"


(Note to the MM small group girls whom I told about the water department and having to by an I'm sorry gift card - I stayed composed.)

"Well, did you not see me driving behind you?"

Now, I would think that this man would know what to do in a situation like this. You know, step up... take the bull by the horn's. Nope! He said, "well, what are we suppose to do now?"

We have all the business taken care of and I hope the company insurance will pay for my car to be repaired. What makes me angry about the whole thing is his truck was fine with the exception of some scratching on his bumper and tailgate!

"God, I really do want to know what you are trying to teach me."
In the grand scheme of things, we are healthy, we are not hungry, we have our family.
The car is fixable! (I don't want to have to get it fixed, I want it to be like it was) It is fixable.

Ashley and BethAnn goofin' while in car pool lane to pick up my Pre-K boy.

I must tell you that I am going nuts because my font and boldness is not working correctly. Is it b/c i'm tired? it b/c I'm blonde?


Medical Olympics

Many weekends in the Trauma ICU are crazy busy, and this weekend was no exception! As I was practically running from one patients bedside to another, I started thinking about what you would see at the Medical Olympics.

Here is what I thought based on what I do, help with, see done, or make fun of!

Wrestling a patient back into their bed. Who will win?
Marathon intubations. How many will be done in a hour?
How many poops can you clean in a shift? Excludes coworkers poops.
Guess the diagnosis.
Following protocols. A 1/2 point will be deducted for every faux pas.
Critical care patient transports. Getting all monitors, IV pumps, oxygen tanks, chart, and ambu bag down to CT and back up as quickly as possible. Don't forget the patient!
Embarrassing co-workers (not excluding MD's) Speaks for itself.
How quick you can untangle tubes and lines without making it worse.
Stay smart while keeping emotions in check during emergent situations.
Find a ugly OMFS resident. Honest, you can't do it! If you do...Gold Medal!


Growing Pains

You know how your kids have the tendency to grow up? No matter how hard I protest this natural phenomenon, it tends to transpire anyway! Of course (being a mommy) it disturbs me to think that my daughter will be going to fifth grade this year and my son is only one year from being in Kindergarten. I want them to be sweet little kids forever. Ok, Ok, not forever! There are days in every mothers life when you think, this child may not make it to adulthood if they don't straighten up...right?
Last night was an epiphany moment that my kids are growing up. Both of them woke up in the middle of the night complaining of "growing" pains. In the past I have tried the natural route. You know... ice packs...rubbing...heating pads. Really, in the middle of the night is not the time for me to go natural.

Ashley wakes up at 1 AM ...

"Mom, my legs are hurting."

"I'm sorry babe, you want some Tylenol? Here drink some water. Now, go get back in the bed."

"I'm having a hard time sleeping. Can I read?"

"That's fine, but turn off your lamp before you go back to sleep."

3:30 AM Payton wakes up SCREAMING! Uncontrollable, blood curling, hysterical, SCREAMING!
"Mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Thought- "Oh no, some one has came into the house and is trying to get my baby."
"No, no, maybe he just had a bad dream, I'm just going to lay here and see if he goes back to sleep."


Another thought- "Well, I guess I'm gonna have to get up and see what he is screaming about"


"Ok Payton, I'm coming. Whats wrong?"

"mmmyyyy wwegs aaarrr hurrting!"

"I'm sorry babe, you want some Tylenol? Here drink some water and wash it down. Come get in the bed with mama. You have to quit crying though. Do you want me to get an ice pack?"

Of course, the ice pack lasted about 5 seconds.

Needless to say, not a great night for sleeping. Now, as I was reading on the American Academy of Pediatrics website (and a couple other places), it may not be growing pains at all. More than likely it is due to more physical activity than normal. hummm.

Thought-"Guess I should have left the mall earlier."

And by the way, check out my little favicon in the address bar. Cute huh?



Do you ever have days where you don't get out of your pj's... you lay on the couch... and let your kids fix there own lunch?

Well today was that day for me. I did get up and go get donuts for breakfast, and consenquently lunch for my kids. But the rest of the day...nothing. I even passed up the opportunity to have coffee with some wonderful girls b/c I did not want to get dressed. Olympics has been good though!