
My Home Makes Me Think Of...

1. Comfort - Put on your shinny red slippers and say it with me...there's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home.

2. Grateful - When I was toe-headed little girl, we were penniless. No matter where we lived, it was home. Despite how small, cluttered, or unorganized my house is...I am lucky enough to live in a HOME that when you put a ball on the kitchen floor it doesn't roll into the livingroom (if you want to call that luck?!).

3. Stressed - Because my home is small, cluttered, and unorganized... I am diligently attempting to establish some order but, the dishes overflow from the sink onto the counter and clean laundry free falls from outer space. Since I am a working, stay at home mom and not a house-wife, my kids are hauling more stuff out while I am purging drawers and cabinets. But...I wouldn't change it for the world.

4. Appreciative - There are so many people living in our backyards that don't even have a home to go to. No place to lay their head and feel safe, no family who values them enough to make sure they have a hot meal, and no one to care enough to make sure they have clean clothes or a shower. (enter your own clever comment to people living in my back yard)

5. Family - There are so many memories surrounding a home. The smell of a Thanksgiving meal, sound of children on Christmas morning, or the taste of your daily coffee... these are the memories that mold us into the adults we are today. Every child deserves a sanctuary where they feel loved and nurtured.


Having It All said...

What a great post. Ditto to it all. Just a couple of hours ago, I tried to convince myself to embrace the mess and just realize that in a couple of years, I will be more able to tackle the housework. And I will be recruiting my daughters to help out too!!!

Anonymous said...

MMMMM.......Thanksgiving food.....hungry :)

You will get it organized one day. At least the filing cabinet in your head is organized!!!

Dona said...

You make me laugh Becky!