
One Question Quiz

How would you feel if your husband and children did nothing for your birthday?

a.) I would be fine. Its just a waste of money anyway.
b.) It would hurt my feelings.
c.) I don't even have birthdays, therefore there is nothing to forget.
d.) I would not buy them anything for their birthday and pout for the next year.


SuperMom said...

It depends, Donna. If he completely forgot, I'd probably give him a huge guilt trip. If I told him not to acknowledge it and he followed those orders, I'd probably give him a guilt trip.

I'm not a huge birthday person, honestly. Several of my closest friends forgot mine this year (including my dad! first time ever,....) but I forget so many people's birthdays, too, that I extend a lot of grace!

I know where you're coming from though. Hang in there!

Kesleigh Castle said...

I'd be hacked! I honestly have to start telling my girls a week in advance and dropping hints. It's the only way I know that I will get some kind of acknowledgment on my bday. My girls LOVE bdays and so they like to make a fuss over others too. My hubby's love language is NOT gift giving. So, I kind of have to count on my girls to bug him to death until he comes up with a plan.
Same thing with Mother's Day. But, the good certainly outweighs the bad. And with as much as I buy myself on a monthly basis, I just think of it as buying my own gifts.

Having It All said...

My feelings would be a little hurt, but I would offer to let them make up for it the next day!

Rose said...

My feelings would be hurt. And then the next day I would go birthday shopping for myself. With or without them!

(I hope that this didn't happen to you)


Rose said...

I almost forgot, BOTH of my parents failed to acknowledge my birthday last year. Nice, huh?

Kylie said...

b. hurt my feelings.

I'm a huge birthday person though. I do talk about it for days in advance (like Kesleigh) so that there's no way Ronny won't remember!

I'm sorry. When was your birthday? I would have at least made a little fuss over you had I known!

p.s. glad you're blogging again though!

Nicki W. said...

who would not be hurt?? have you ever seen 16 candles? c'mon! if you are speaking from a personal point of view--i think the best way to get over it would be to go to your favorite store and spend a great deal of money. then treat yourself to a yummy lunch with your besties. hope this was a hypothetical question though.

Anonymous said...

Mine is far too easy to remember. It is Valentines Day. That would mean Rick would be forgetting 2 major days. He would be doghoused for that one. My kids, on the other hand, I would just tell them the whole week before, and even the day of. I hope this did not happen to you?!