

Do you ever have days where you don't get out of your pj's... you lay on the couch... and let your kids fix there own lunch?

Well today was that day for me. I did get up and go get donuts for breakfast, and consenquently lunch for my kids. But the rest of the day...nothing. I even passed up the opportunity to have coffee with some wonderful girls b/c I did not want to get dressed. Olympics has been good though!


Kesleigh Castle said...

I love those days. Unfortunately my girls schedules don't allow for them too often, but I love it when I get them. Sometimes I'm even guilty of jumping up and acting like I'm doing something right when Chad walks in from work.

Ask Spraytopia said...

Yay Dona!!!! I am so glad to see a post!:):)! We live in the country, so we have those days anytime we don't HAVE to be somewhere! It's good for the soul:). Well, I hope you are having a fantastic day today- Laura

Kylie said...

Yes, we need those days every once in a while at my house. Even with my kids as young as they are, we get too busy and need to take a day to be LAZY! It's good :) And even though I missed coffee, too this time, next time know I wouldn't have cared if you came in your jammies!