

Except for when it is my turn to host. Everything turned out great, but i am not the natural entertainer. I wish that it did come easy for me and I absolutely loved it, but I don't. What I do love is when all the prep work is done and everyone is here. Now it is time to relax and roll some dice.
Anyhoo, I stress out when people come to my house. Here is the crazy lady's confession...I worry. Are they going to like my chicken. I hope everybody eats broccoli. Now what about my house, is it clean enough. The dishes really need to go into the dishwasher now. When am I going to have time to put on my makeup. I hope they like the drinks. Will everyone show up? Why do I have so much CRAP in my house. I need a new table. The ceiling fan is disgusting. Mike needs to hurry up and get home so I can put him to work on his list. I CAN'T DO IT ALL!!! Pay, please pick up the pillows and blanket and put them back up. Ashley, I really need you to clean your room right now. I hate this huge TV. I wish the fish tanks would disappear. I need a bigger house. Look at this yard. Why do I have so much CRAP outside my house. The back deck and yard are a mess. I just don't have time to clean that up. I know every one will see all the junk on the back deck, but I just can't clean it.
Were you holding your breath while reading this. I was holding mine while typing. I'm OK though. Only passed out once.

Side-bar...Do y'all ever notice how you type when you are passionate about something? I have noticed that I am typing fast and pounding on my poor computer when I am really trying to get my point across. I feel like a concert pianist. You know what they look like. rocking back and forth. Hands up and down constantly. Head bobbing in different directions. Then, when done... Silence... Hands in the air. Sweat beads on my upper lip.

Anyway!! Bunko turned out wonderful and I think everyone had a good time. The chicken was good, I must say. We were 3 people short but it worked out.

You ladies looked AWESOME in your frugal finds!

I am looking forward to the next time I host. Not the prep part, just the part where my friends come over to have a good time!


SuperMom said...


We had a blast...didn't notice any "crap" in your house...LOVED the meal...and had an amazing time with sweet sisters in Christ.

Love you!


Anonymous said...

I had no clue you worked all weekend in Dallas. You are amazing!!! I was called to sub at Bunko and was so sad I couldn't. Yall call me again.

Dona said...

For the most part, I think I did a decent job of putting a lot of "crap" in closets. That's my secret for entertaining. I NEED MORE CLOSETS! :)

I hope that we get a chance to play BUNKO with you another time Rachel.