At some point in your life, you have probably taken a personality profile test. You know, are you the golden retriever, lion, otter, or beaver? Does the sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, or melancholy
personality describe you best?
I have read some of the book JUST YOUR TYPE by Paul Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger. It was enlightening to find out just why I act/react the way I do in certain situations.
Here's the test:
Here's another explanation of your type
Take it...
Then lets talk about it!
I am the ESFJ.
You know how you feel when your sweet angel is yelling and screaming! The warmth that washes over you until your face is red and neck splotchy. What about the thoughts..."If I put duck tape over his mouth will he be quite THEN?" or "White room, padded jacket, people bringing me pills and water...that sounds nice!" I wonder if my kids think that about me when I am throwing my fits.
This week has proven extremely difficult for me. I just want to put a BIG BLACK X over my last post. All the hot chocolate and watching kids play blah, blah, blah is for the birds today! Well, maybe I should have read my BIBLE today. The things that are driving me to the beautiful white is the same things you face! Why is my headband in the floor when I distinctly remember putting it in the bathroom drawer. The garlic press is in the living room and I didn't cook today. My wooden spoons now have a very artistic black sharpie marker stripe down them. These decorations have not been part of the decor in the kitchen for as long as I can remember. Why is the phone unplugged? I know I didn't do it 'cause I always welcome the distraction of speaking with another adult! Usually my sister.
I guess it's time for me to go to Time Out!
Are you overwhelmed? Rushed? Fatigued? I know I am!! I asked my husband tonight what it was about this time of year that make people love it? Christmas is my favorite time of year, but there is no enjoyment in the 8 loads of laundry that are separated and waiting for someone to wash them. The toilet that just broke and the dishwasher that needs to be unloaded are going to have to wait! That is why people have more than one bathroom, you know!
Now...Slow down for a moment. Just sit.
Have a cup of coffee...
Watch your kids...
Read your Bible...
Just for a sec.
Meditate on the reason we are here. Jesus Christ.
That is why I love this time of year! I am blessed and I am thankful!
Now, hurry up and look at these pics, cause it's bed-time.
Payton, Keaten, Kaden, Makenna
Halloween Cousins
Haliegh, Landen, Madison, Tanner, and Ashley
Don't I have the most beautiful family! lol!
November 17th
Pre-Birthday. Gifts from Great-Grandma Sugar!
I remember being a little girl and couldn't wait to get into the box that my Grandma sent from Colorado. My mom would let us open one gift from Grandma Sugar Christmas Eve's Eve and sometimes the night before our birthday. (warm fuzzy memories) Why make the poor baby wait 12 hours until his birthday.
NOVEMBER 18, 2008
Mimi's Cake
We absolutely adored the Jumping Party Birthday!
Payton, Miles, Keaten
and Breanne's 18th Birthday!

The Bird. Yum...Yum...
Kaden and Payton threaten to run over everyone's toes on Thanksgiving day. How is one suppose to take a nap when your feet are a constant target?
It has been a good couple of months. I hope the same is true for you.
Teachable moments for my kids are not something I have thought about praying for until the past couple of months. However, today was one of those moments. Being hurt by someone does not feel good. We've all been there, but sometimes... the best response is no response!
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. Proverbs 29:11
(Thank you Angela)
Thank you Lord for friends who can text msg. you a scripture in a blink of an eye!
It makes me tearful when my daughter is relaying what this scripture means to her and then making me memorize it, who's the mom here anyway? Not only the words, but the address as well. So often I think my kids are going to be lucky if they make it to adulthood with out bumps and bruises on their character and our relationships. But, in times like today, when I can look in their innocent eyes and fill their spongy brain with the TRUTH of God, it makes me think that I can make it! My mothering capabilities may not be that of Claire Huxtable or June Cleaver, but they are Mine! And that's good enough!
I can do all things through Christ. Philippians 4:13
I've been tagged by my sweet friend Autumn.
Well, I thought that this tag would be a little easier. That was until I looked at my pictures. When I open PICTURES from the start menu there is an extremely cute picture of Ashley and her friend. Just in case you don't know this, pictures do not show up in the same order when you are downloading from blogger. OK, well maybe yours does...but mine and has to do things backwards. On the other hand, THIS is a pretty cute picture!!
It was right after Christmas last year and Mimi bought Payton a fake shaving set. Ashley offered to "shave" Pay and he obliged.
Now, the rules:
- Go to pictures file
- Click on the 6th folder of pics
- The 6th pic in that folder is the one you post
- Let us know the details
It has been a while since I was tagged by a couple of friends (Kylie and Rose). Honestly, It has been really hard for me to come up with anything. So (drum roll please)... here is my pitiful list.
Some unknown facts about ME!
1) When I buy a Starbucks coffee, the emblem on the cup, the emblem on the cardboard-thingy, and the sipping hole have to be in alignment. I don't make the employees line them up, I will do it myself. You know when you have a travel mug with a handle and it is pointed the wrong direction, it's hard to drink out of it comfortably, so you re-do the lid until it is correct. Same with me and Starbucks.
2) I HATE to pass 18 wheelers and buses, especially when there is concrete barricades. Every weekend I pray myself past them. First I pray for protection then I pray there are no cops up ahead. Plus, how am I to know if they are awake or asleep?
3) It really bothers me when I see people stopped on the shoulder of the highway. Please, if you are reading this, go to the next exit and find a safe place to stop. If you run out of gas or some other circumstance that prevents you from getting to the next exit, get as far off the road as possible. There have been too many people get hit and die from stopping on the side of the road to change a tire, get something out of the trunk, and even being pulled over by a state trooper.
4) I love cute notepads and spiral notebooks. Even though I have a couple of cases of spirals, if I saw a cute one at Target, I would probably still buy it. And, I have recently paid $22 dollars for a notepad (but it's cute!). How ridiculous is that?
5) There are absolutely too many striped knit shirts in my wardrobe. I am drawn to stripes. Anyone want to analyze that?
6) I count red cars. What do I mean? Well, when there are several or more red cars around the same area, ie. traffic light, parking lot, in line at the bank, I count them. Only red though. For instance, when I took my son across town to MDO, I knew that there would be 8 to 10 red cars at the school down the block.
Ok, Now that you know that I am totally insane, tag your it. If you have read this I challenge you to write 2 (or more)unknown facts about you in my comment section. Thanks for playing!
What is so appealing about number 14? It makes 2 weeks complete, is the atomic number for silicone on the chemical element chart, and I will bet you did not know that the number 14 is a Stella Octangula number (If you already knew that, you are reading the WRONG BLOG!)
14 YEARS! I have been married for 14 years! It seems unreal. Sometimes if feels as if the time has flown by, and other times it hardly inches along at all. This is the beginning of our fiscal year. And I BELIEVE it will be an exceptionally productive year.
Some may remember this post. I got nothing from my husband for my birthday. He has been redeemed though! Our anniversary was Sept 17, although I started receiving gifts on the 3rd which is 14 days prior to the actual date.
14 GIFTS... (in no particular order with the exception of the last one)
- Roses
- i Tunes gift card
- Compass gift card
- Hastings gift card
- Starbucks gift card
- Willow tree angels
- ink cartridge
- new Lexmark printer (compatible with Vista yea!)
- Shopping in Austin with THE girls.
- Hobby Lobby gift card
- Car charger for my phone
- Car adapter for i pod
- Movie passes
- A card! He told me to plan a cruise for the two of us. What? Really? I get to go on a CRUISE!
Thank you. Love you.
Just a quick note to say that I found out that someone in my family/extended family has suffered with hair pulling. It started around the same age that Ash is now. After many tears falling and a lot of prayer... she does not pull anymore. That is just a inspiration to me. During "new" adventures for my family, it is extremely important to get that support needed to help deal with, and find avenues to change behavior. Or to just be a sounding board...
I went to Home Depot today to get some paint and "stuff". While we were in there, I was thinking to myself in true blogger fashion, "Maybe I should blog about how I love home improvement type stores. There are so many fantastic things here." No matter what project you are starting, in the middle of, or need one more box of screws to complete..."Home Depot is not just your home improvement store, it is so much more". ;0)
As I was leaving the parking lot...
It happened...
I looked over at Ashley's friend sitting in the front seat...
the big work truck pulls out of his parking space right into the side of my car!!!
" Did you not see me pulling out of that parking spot?"
(Note to the MM small group girls whom I told about the water department and having to by an I'm sorry gift card - I stayed composed.)
"Well, did you not see me driving behind you?"
Now, I would think that this man would know what to do in a situation like this. You know, step up... take the bull by the horn's. Nope! He said, "well, what are we suppose to do now?"
We have all the business taken care of and I hope the company insurance will pay for my car to be repaired. What makes me angry about the whole thing is his truck was fine with the exception of some scratching on his bumper and tailgate!

"God, I really do want to know what you are trying to teach me."
In the grand scheme of things, we are healthy, we are not hungry, we have our family.
The car is fixable! (I don't want to have to get it fixed, I want it to be like it was) It is fixable.
Many weekends in the Trauma ICU are crazy busy, and this weekend was no exception! As I was practically running from one patients bedside to another, I started thinking about what you would see at the Medical Olympics.

Here is what I thought based on what I do, help with, see done, or make fun of!
Wrestling a patient back into their bed. Who will win?
Marathon intubations. How many will be done in a hour?
How many poops can you clean in a shift? Excludes coworkers poops.
Guess the diagnosis.
Following protocols. A 1/2 point will be deducted for every faux pas.
Critical care patient transports. Getting all monitors, IV pumps, oxygen tanks, chart, and ambu bag down to CT and back up as quickly as possible. Don't forget the patient!
Embarrassing co-workers (not excluding MD's) Speaks for itself.
How quick you can untangle tubes and lines without making it worse.
Stay smart while keeping emotions in check during emergent situations.
Find a ugly OMFS resident. Honest, you can't do it! If you do...Gold Medal!
Growing Pains
You know how your kids have the tendency to grow up? No matter how hard I protest this natural phenomenon, it tends to transpire anyway! Of course (being a mommy) it disturbs me to think that my daughter will be going to fifth grade this year and my son is only one year from being in Kindergarten. I want them to be sweet little kids forever. Ok, Ok, not forever! There are days in every mothers life when you think, this child may not make it to adulthood if they don't straighten up...right?
Last night was an epiphany moment that my kids are growing up. Both of them woke up in the middle of the night complaining of "growing" pains. In the past I have tried the natural route. You know... ice packs...rubbing...heating pads. Really, in the middle of the night is not the time for me to go natural.
Ashley wakes up at 1 AM ...
"Mom, my legs are hurting."
"I'm sorry babe, you want some Tylenol? Here drink some water. Now, go get back in the bed."
"I'm having a hard time sleeping. Can I read?"
"That's fine, but turn off your lamp before you go back to sleep."
3:30 AM Payton wakes up SCREAMING! Uncontrollable, blood curling, hysterical, SCREAMING!
"Mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Thought- "Oh no, some one has came into the house and is trying to get my baby."
"No, no, maybe he just had a bad dream, I'm just going to lay here and see if he goes back to sleep."
Another thought- "Well, I guess I'm gonna have to get up and see what he is screaming about"
"Ok Payton, I'm coming. Whats wrong?"
"mmmyyyy wwegs aaarrr hurrting!"
"I'm sorry babe, you want some Tylenol? Here drink some water and wash it down. Come get in the bed with mama. You have to quit crying though. Do you want me to get an ice pack?"
Of course, the ice pack lasted about 5 seconds.
Needless to say, not a great night for sleeping. Now, as I was reading on the American Academy of Pediatrics website (and a couple other places), it may not be growing pains at all. More than likely it is due to more physical activity than normal. hummm.
Thought-"Guess I should have left the mall earlier."
And by the way, check out my little favicon in the address bar. Cute huh?
Do you ever have days where you don't get out of your pj's... you lay on the couch... and let your kids fix there own lunch?
Well today was that day for me. I did get up and go get donuts for breakfast, and consenquently lunch for my kids. But the rest of the day...nothing. I even passed up the opportunity to have coffee with some wonderful girls b/c I did not want to get dressed. Olympics has been good though!
Are you guilty of turning your clocks up a hour so your kids will go to bed earlier? What about passing store bought food off as your own? Have you ever called into work sick and failed to tell your family (because you were too busy shopping)? These are a couple of examples given today on Rachel Ray.
Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile wrote a book titled Dirty Little Secrets From Otherwise Perfect Mom's. Some of the "secrets" were defiantly mom-knowledge, but there were also invigorating A-HA moments.
What are your dirty little secrets?
1. Comfort - Put on your shinny red slippers and say it with me...there's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home.
2. Grateful - When I was toe-headed little girl, we were penniless. No matter where we lived, it was home. Despite how small, cluttered, or unorganized my house is...I am lucky enough to live in a HOME that when you put a ball on the kitchen floor it doesn't roll into the livingroom (if you want to call that luck?!).
3. Stressed - Because my home is small, cluttered, and unorganized... I am diligently attempting to establish some order but, the dishes overflow from the sink onto the counter and clean laundry free falls from outer space. Since I am a working, stay at home mom and not a house-wife, my kids are hauling more stuff out while I am purging drawers and cabinets. But...I wouldn't change it for the world.
4. Appreciative - There are so many people living in our backyards that don't even have a home to go to. No place to lay their head and feel safe, no family who values them enough to make sure they have a hot meal, and no one to care enough to make sure they have clean clothes or a shower. (enter your own clever comment to people living in my back yard)
5. Family - There are so many memories surrounding a home. The smell of a Thanksgiving meal, sound of children on Christmas morning, or the taste of your daily coffee... these are the memories that mold us into the adults we are today. Every child deserves a sanctuary where they feel loved and nurtured.

This is another one of my one question quizzes.
What do you do about organization and keeping the creepy crawly clutter at bay in your home?
a) What do you mean organization? I have magazines from 1997.
b) I don't have a problem with organizing. Everything is in its place before I go to bed each night.
c) Every 3rd year I clean out all the clutter and organize again.
d) I am on an 8 week plan. Each room of the house is reorganized every 8 weeks.
e) add your own...
P.S. Do you clean out your husband's dresser and closet? Or, do you suggest that he does it himself and wait to see if it gets done?
To follow up on the previous post...My birthday was not forgotten. We were in Colorado visiting my Grandma and Grandad. My aunt was very kind in hosting a "cook out" for my birthday. It was great!! Steaks...hotdogs...baked beans...cake (made by my grandma)...kids swimming...blow up jump castle...etc. I had a great time and received wonderful presents from my Grandparents and cousin "Gretta".
But...there was something missing.
Yet...I was silent.
There was no guilt trip, there was no questioning, there wasn't even any pouting.
Until...I got home from Colorado. I just wanted him to know that my feelings were hurt. Anything to acknowledge my birthday would have been nice. Even a homemade card.
I don't expect my friends to recognize my birthday. Because, I so often forget theirs. Sending a card seems like an easy process. Somehow, between the store and home it becomes difficult to actually get the card into the mailbox. This is the mailbox I walk to every day!
My special day was forgotten by my Dad. But, my family did take me out to dinner on Friday night to make up for not doing anything for me on my birthday.
Here are a couple pictures taken on our vacation.
How would you feel if your husband and children did nothing for your birthday?
a.) I would be fine. Its just a waste of money anyway.
b.) It would hurt my feelings.
c.) I don't even have birthdays, therefore there is nothing to forget.
d.) I would not buy them anything for their birthday and pout for the next year.
I want all one of you who read my blog to know that I am on hiatus.
Yes, I need a break and you will thank me. It's not because I dislike blogging, because you should know from previous post that I heart blogs. It's not because I am boring, at this stage I am anything but that. It's not even because I am too busy, just like you, I find the time to do what I enjoy. The real reason I am on hiatus is because I have a lot of negative thoughts and feelings, wrapped around resentment and anger that I am dealing with. Thanks you for letting me be honest.
So, I will not blog for a while. Never fear, I will let you know when I am over my "funk".
But, before I go. I am just wondering if you ever bet your kids to do something? Like, bet them real money...$10 worth of real money...is that illegal? We went to a Cajun restaurant that over looks the river here in town. Ashley and I both love boiled craw fish but she is disgusted by their heads. Being the immature parent that I am, I tried to gross her out by holding the bucket of heads up to her. As she is pulling away and telling me to stop-iiiiiittttt, (blink - that's the sound of the light bulb going on) I say, "I'll pay you $10 RIGHT NOW to eat one of the eyeballs."
"Really?" It sounded like easy money to her.
"Yeah, eat one right now and I'll give you $10."
With much preparation over 5 minutes, I finally said, "You have a time limit."
Over this five minute period she kept trying to POP the eye out with her fork...IT WAS STUCK IN THERE! She was even more repulsed!
Finally, she was able to look away and pull it out with her bare hands...threw it in her mouth...GULP! No drinks for 5 seconds then she showed me it was gone.
"Ashley, you are disgusting. There is no way I would have done that!"
What some people will do for the almighty dollar.
Now we need to learn lessons about what is appropriate and inappropriate to do for money.
And, yes...I did pay up!

Introducing the Wanna Be Gansta's.
These are the CRAZY PEOPLE I have to work with every weekend!!! Please... have pity on me. Drum roll please...(from left) We have Amanda (4N go to girl. She is in high demand), Becky (my RT partner on 4N weekends), Maddie Mac (6 mo old cuttie patootie and Becky's daughter), Fran (part of the 4N RN gang), and Cathy (Heads up the 4N RN Gang).
More of the 4N RN crew (from left) Tanna (can't make her mad, she has to much dirt on me...but I have a lot on her too.), Margie (the wildest RN out there ;) ), and Shavonne (my twin sister - I know many of you didn't know I had a twin, but now ya do. You can only tell us apart because she tans and I don't).
Dominique and Cameron - Whatcha think their up to? I don't know either but it can't be good.
I know there are a lot of you out there who may have already watched this video. It is the one posted on Angie Smith's blog. But if you haven't...
Watch this video http://www.vimeo.com/951902/
About Todd and Angie Smith (Selah)
What amazing insight into the Love of God.
Let me know your thoughts.
1. Above anything else there is Dr. Pepper.
2. Then there is Starbucks. I have gone from drinking the wonderful Chi Latte 240 calories and 40 grams of sugar (oh my gosh!) to Solo Skinny Hazelnut Latte 130 calories and 17 grams of sugar. This is interesting to me because I thought the Skinny lattes were make with sugar free syrup. Anyhoo, its better than the Chi, right?
3. Mimi's cookies. I don't care what color, shape, or season of the year. I love her cookies!!
4. Blogging. or more appropriately stalking blogs.
5. Eating out in Dallas. I love the awesome restaurants in uptown D-town. Some of them are very pricey but when I am eating alone, it is sooo worth it to have good food. And I don't eat expensive every weekend. Sometimes all I can deal with is driving through Taco Bell.
6. spray tanning. Can someone actually be neon white?
7. Paying to much to have my hair done. But I like the way she does it.
8. Travel size soaps, shampoos, conditioners, deodorant, face soaps, q-tips, etc. Yes, they are practical for my "Rescue-pack" (do your kids watch Diego?), but I have always liked the mini size stuff. There have been times I have bought things that I did not need b/c the travel size was "cute". Come on its only a dollar!
9. Thursday nights. But only when it is girls night out. Everything else about Thursday night is the same as Mon. Tues. etc...
10. In Style magazine.
So there you have it. There are many more guilty pleasures, but I refer to them as necessities.
What are your guilty pleasures? What do you love? What is it you do when there is $20 in your purse and it is screaming at you?

Except for when it is my turn to host. Everything turned out great, but i am not the natural entertainer. I wish that it did come easy for me and I absolutely loved it, but I don't. What I do love is when all the prep work is done and everyone is here. Now it is time to relax and roll some dice.
Anyhoo, I stress out when people come to my house. Here is the crazy lady's confession...I worry. Are they going to like my chicken. I hope everybody eats broccoli. Now what about my house, is it clean enough. The dishes really need to go into the dishwasher now. When am I going to have time to put on my makeup. I hope they like the drinks. Will everyone show up? Why do I have so much CRAP in my house. I need a new table. The ceiling fan is disgusting. Mike needs to hurry up and get home so I can put him to work on his list. I CAN'T DO IT ALL!!! Pay, please pick up the pillows and blanket and put them back up. Ashley, I really need you to clean your room right now. I hate this huge TV. I wish the fish tanks would disappear. I need a bigger house. Look at this yard. Why do I have so much CRAP outside my house. The back deck and yard are a mess. I just don't have time to clean that up. I know every one will see all the junk on the back deck, but I just can't clean it.
Were you holding your breath while reading this. I was holding mine while typing. I'm OK though. Only passed out once.
Side-bar...Do y'all ever notice how you type when you are passionate about something? I have noticed that I am typing fast and pounding on my poor computer when I am really trying to get my point across. I feel like a concert pianist. You know what they look like. rocking back and forth. Hands up and down constantly. Head bobbing in different directions. Then, when done... Silence... Hands in the air. Sweat beads on my upper lip.
Anyway!! Bunko turned out wonderful and I think everyone had a good time. The chicken was good, I must say. We were 3 people short but it worked out.
You ladies looked AWESOME in your frugal finds!
I am looking forward to the next time I host. Not the prep part, just the part where my friends come over to have a good time!
It is not the ordinary Friday night scene here at our house. Mike is gone camping in Arkansas. The kids are at my friends house (thanks Ken and Kristen:)). And I am here alone. Of course it is not a night of luxury for me. Nope, just Starbucks, a shower and to bed I go. Got to get up early for my two hour commute to work. But, since i was walking by my computer, thought I would whine to y'all for a sec.
A "normal" Friday night for us is dinner out, come home, I am rushing around trying to find what scrubs are clean and a shirt that will match, iron, clean underwear, do I have nightclothes packed?, what about socks, oh yeah, I need socks. Now, where did I put my tennis shoes?
Oh, here they are - right here on my feet.
TV blaring what ever is on Disney Channel.
"OK, I'M TURNING OFF THE TV" (screams, moans) (pitter-patter of feet off to the bathrooms)
"Pay, go tell your daddy it is time to come inside and help" (Payton screaming at the top of his lungs from the back door.)(me thinking, well, I could have done that)
Kids finally in the bed. Now two CD players blaring different tunes.
"Mom, do I have to go to bed right now?"
"No, Ashley. Do you have a book to read? Then go read"
"Mike, the kids want some water"
NOW, shower, get in bed, watch some TV and fall asleep at 11:30 (or later)
Tonight, just me. It's nice not to have 3 sets of teeth to look after and 3 bladders to empty and water for everyone. BUT, I have become so accustomed to the CD players and all the closet lights on and saying "brush your teeth" 101 times.
Now, all I here is the fish tank running, my cat snoring in my ear (the stupid cat snores, who knew?) and the dog barking outside. I guess I would like to try this staying at home alone for a night when I don't have to be on the road by 4 am. For right now, I just pray that I won't get scared. Which brings up another issue.
Why do I get scared at my house, in my town - but I don't get scared while I'm at the hotel in big D? Well ok, sometimes I get a little nervous.
Guess I'll sleep now.
Nothing else to do.
You must be jealous if you do not live where I live. It was BEAUTIFUL outside today. I had to call my grandmother and brag about the weather. Who does that? Brag to their grandmother? I DO. Love ya grandma. I really called her to let her know that I was thinking of her and missed her because it felt like I was in Colorado today (which is where she lives). That is when I found out that it snowed there yesterday and she felt the frost bite kicking in on her way up to the mailbox. Anyway, low humidity, 74 degrees, and a nice breeze. Awesome! Doesn't sound like Texas does it? I'm sure next week I will be totally miserable, that's just the way it rolls here.
Pay and I had to do some art on the drive way. Pay's pic is so good, don't you think? Truth is...I did that...He wanted me to. But he still wanted to take the credit for it. That's ok with me.
In other news... I got my contacts today. You know, sometimes I wonder if I really need glasses/contacts or is there really a problem? Since I have worked in a Dr. office before, there were time when I thought to myself, "Why is he prescribing that?" "This patient does not have problems that warrant this treatment?" "Whatever...I'm not the doctor." That is why I think this way. There has been improvement, post spectacles, but really do I need them that bad? All I know right now is these contacts are not comfortable. My eyes itch, I feel a headache coming on, and I have to consciously blink, a lot. If you have any words of encouragement that will keep me wearing these things, Please send it my way.
I have gone my 33 years of life and never any trouble seeing. The past couple of weeks I've had headaches in the morning and headaches in the evening. So, I am lucky enough to start wearing glasses/contacts.
This has not been a pleasant experience, however. There is no love for the Dr. I am seeing. He is professional, which is a plus. But, no personality AT ALL. I just wonder how people get through life with no personality and playfulness. Maybe because he had such offensive halitosis, no one wants to be around him, therefore he has not developed interpersonal skills. Also, the way he said "clear-err" annoyed me. That is exactly how he said it too. With the hyphen. He didn't say the hyphen though.
Mike made this tire swing for the kids this weekend. Apparently they played all weekend on it. I have issues with this. Look how much fun they are having!! Aren't they sweet. Yeah, they are not able to push themselves on this swing. Do you know what that means. You guessed it....I get to spend a lot of time pulling a rope to swing them. My other problem is this...What if the rope breaks and someone is not paying attention. Ashley's head is up approx. 7 ft. That could be a serious closed head injury. But, I am the mom otherwise known as the constant party poop-er. (tee..hee..hee. poop-er)
Mike is now the big 4-1. He was so sad yesterday. There are many things causing him to be sad. The fact that he is 4-1 does not seem to be one of the reasons. Maybe it is a little. So, balloons make everyone happy, RIGHT? Forty one balloons in my car...They were hitting me in the back of the head!! Now as I speak (type) they are hitting me in my head again. This time we are in my living room and there is a very busy 4 year old making them dance all over the living room. There is also a dog growling at the very busy 4 year old.
What a week. Gotta go, church is calling.
Watch this -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW4LLwkgmqA
There are several things that come to mind when I watched this.
1.) It is scary that she has such an influence over so many people.
2.) She says "What about Jesus?" (in the video clip) as if He is just another man on the street.
3.) This goes against everything we learn from the Bible.
Many other things bother me, but lets stop there.
Of course, there is a very uneasy feeling in my gut.
She took "god" out of the box? What in the world is she meaning? I never knew God was in a box.
But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2Peter 2:1 (from BlueLetterBible.org NIV version)
I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Romans 16:17-18 (from BlueLetterBible.org NIV version)
I must tell you that I have not researched this extensively. These are a couple of scriptures that stood out to me. The fact is, it does not matter if I am vastly educated on this subject or not, it disturbs me because it is not in alignment with the Word of GOD.
How do you feel?
I want her to stay a little girl, as we all do with our children. But, I know she must grow up. That's just the way things work here (just in case you were wondering). However, the anxieties that I am having are almost overwhelming at times. I want her to be prepared for the changes going on with her body. She needs to know about when she starts her period. etc... The American Girl book has been helpful and I think has taught her some things. So that's good. Right?
Our latest issue is her not minding and lying. I am sure they are both normal for her age. How do you keep the communication open with your pre-teen girl? Please let me tell you, her lying is not a frequent thing. We just had a episode last night at bedtime. Mike and I have always told Ash that she will be in a lot more trouble if she does lie to us. And, to date, it has worked.
Our strategy at this point is to pray, pray, pray. This is the only thing I know to do. Of course, I ask for your advice and love to hear it, but it all boils down to me praying that God will cover her with His hand of protection, and praying with Ashley for wisdom for us both to walk through this time in her life together. Also, asking God for our communication lines to always be open (with Him and each other).

Well, I am going to attempt the Mystic tan next week and see how it goes. My fear is that I turn out like the guy in the pink jacket and blue pants. Y'all don't laugh at me if I do look like that. Actually, you can laugh at me if I look like that. For more pictures to make you feel better, check out this blog.
I just looked at some of the other pics on the above blog. There are some that are funny and some that are disturbing to be. Just BEWARE if you are going to check out some of the funny stuff! Don't do it with your children beside you.
My friend Becky called me and left a message that I needed to call her as soon as I got up. I was worried sick over her last night, so of course I called her right away. She said she won the lottery and wanted me to go to Austin with her to claim it. The Texas Two Step $350,000. Of course, I kept saying "you did not!" "quit joking me!" "no way!" "Are you serious?" "No you didn't". Finally getting to the point where I was starting to believe her, I asked if she was going to pick me up because I was not going to have my car today (another story in itself, still due to the wreck I had 3 1/2 weeks ago). She was so happy and excited, which she absolutely needs right now!
She said it...
April fools!
You will pay BECKY! Oh yes! Payback's a comin'!!